Welcome to TransIT
The TransIT project develops and provides innovative curricula, educational methods and training courses that guarantee an effective transition to Industry 4.0 standards.
An ideal solution for company leaders, industry executives, HR professionals, SMEs and VET centers.
Discover how you can benefit
The project will produce three main elements that together will form a complete training kit.
ach element will offer strong capacity building and help to successful adjust to the forthcoming challenges of Industry 4.0 standards.
containing the most crucial tools for adjusting your company’s managerial system to the new technological advances
Handy and practical for enabling hands-on treatment of adaptation problems and development needs.
Divide the curriculum into „digestible bits”, depending on the method chosen by learners. It allows learners to engage with the topics in a modern and interactive way.
Project Partners
TransIT is composed of 8 institutions from 6 countries (Hungary, Ireland, Slovenia, Portugal, Bulgaria and Greece) with significant experience in the sector of Adult training and committed with the promotion of innovative e-learning.
Latest News
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Contact us
Please contact us for further details about the project. As it is in the early stages, we would like to hear your opinions and views!
Alternatively, you can contact the project coordinator directly using the following contact details:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.